LOGOS WEBSITES PACKAGING + CD'S AWAIAULU Awaiaulu reconnects and bridges knowledge from Hawaiian historical resources to today. We created a logo that combines hand binding and the scholastic torch, connecting education and culture. Client: Awaiaulu Inc. EVENTS + PROMO VIDEOS + FILM PUBLICATIONS + PRINT Dogtowne's Featured Work & Other News Here is our latest work projects, featured projects as well as news and ideas and fun stories. Jawz Tacos WebsiteFEATURED, website Hi Spice PackagingFEATURED, Packaging Mick Fleetwood Blues BandFEATURED, Packaging Megan Baker PhotographyFEATURED, website SubsetFEATURED, website SubsetFEATURED, LOGO Aloha Boxed HawaiiFEATURED, Packaging Maui Farmer GirlFEATURED, LOGO XWORXFEATURED, LOGO Akina Tours and TransportationFEATURED, LOGO